Illegal Immigration is a Plague on the US

Illegal Immigration is a Plague on the US

When you have approximately 11-12 million as reported by the liberal media but in reality is closer to 30 million, undocumented immigrants spread throughout the US, 500 billion annually sounds about right the taxpayers are spending on those invaders. That’s a lot of money that could be spent on fixing our infrastructure

Pre-kindergarten through the 12th grade (bilinguals must be hired), medical/hospital expenses (that employers’ do not pay); rent subsidies; utility expenses; food stamps, etc….The America public should not be beholden to those expenses.

California is a harborage of millions of illegals and it should be held responsible for breaking Federal Law, and for allowing a faction to seek refuge in a State of the Union without consequences. I contend and have for many years Mexicans who are in the US illegally come for whatever benefits they can get, not to escape any tyranny or other nefarious justification for jumping the border. It is in my opinion no longer simply a matter of illegally crossing the border, but an invasion to take back as much territory as they can by introducing sheer numbers into the US and then influencing our voting structure by their votes.

This inundation of so many people into the country illegally is causing a financial problem for many states and in particular, California. It has also allowed the introduction of communicable diseases once contained there. Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Leprosy, Hepatitis, and Meningitis among so many that cannot be cited here sufficiently. In some cases, there are some severely debilitating diseases there are no cures for today such as flesh eating sicknesses.

The cost of maintaining this huge population numbers in the billions of dollars annually. The costs rolled over to the taxpayer for interpreters, Emergency Room visits at County Hospitals, school lunch programs, housing allowances, food stamps and a whole host of other giveaways staggers the imagination. This is a burden on Americans that should not be taken lightly, and it should under very few circumstances be tolerated.

Other than manual and minimum wage jobs they perform most are illiterate, cannot speak English, they bring crime and attitudes of malcontent to our shores and we repeatedly elect politicians who foisted these burdens on our backs.

Just my opinion but, there has to be a better way that is for Americans and not for illegals who come to take from us not to contribute.

© 2009  Copyright 2009, L. Michael Rusin   All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for non-commercial purposes in entirety, including this notice.

L Michael Rusin

I Have a Dream

I have a dream. I pray the Democrats who in my opinion are enemies of America will finally reveal themselves to most of us, through documentation that will be irrefutable from their own hands and words. That something will finally happen that will remove the veil they hide behind. I hope that once and for all, the Democratic Party will crash and burn under the will of the people and none of them will ever get elected to another office again. I hope in particular the entire Obama administration will go to prison as convicted purveyors of treason, and that something will come out that is so transparent, they won’t be able to hide any longer. I hope someone finally realizes their lives are just that, lies and self-serving.

They are evil in all that they foist on Americans. Every perversion imaginable is offered as some individual right that we are supposed to respect. They expect us to accept not only perversions but insane ideas that defy reasonable thought such as environmental lies, climate changes which defy science, lies about chemicals that ensure we have clean, insect, and disease free crops, and they want us to accept the idea that giving our basic rights away to earn a living are supposed to be given up to allow a worm or a fish to survive while people go without jobs.

I wish with all my might we will finally wake up to the treachery illegal invaders have placed on the backs of working Americans. That we finally understand as a nation, we have been tricked into relinquishing our national treasury and our way of life to a criminal element and that we finally get some people elected to office that wants to put America first above all else. We have over 700 military bases located all over the world and we have been spending our money and the lives of our young service people in defense of countries who hate us. In the meantime, our Nation’s infrastructure has deteriorated because we no longer have the funds to fix our own costly problems.

It is my fervent wish these criminals of freedom are meted out the punishment they deserve. Banishment from the political feeding trough, and for slander against them is so great for their crimes they will never have any credibility about anything ever again. In some cases stiff prison sentences and fines so heavy that even they, the criminals who have stolen from the American public while “serving” in public offices are rendered penniless for the rest of their worthless lives. In some cases, a penalty of death is also warranted for the crimes against their own country.

I have a dream as an America who served, and who loves America and feels it is terrible to see what has happened to the great experiment in my lifetime, that the crimes our own have caused against us, you and I, will be rectified and those who would destroy America are brought to justice finally.

Semper Fi

L Michael Rusin Copyright 2000, L. Michael Rusin   All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for non-commercial purposes in entirety, including this notice.


Any duly elected official who embraces an anti-American view should not hold any elected office, ever. Anyone elected to office to serve “We” the people, who take the side of an illegal, a non-American against an American citizen or the population at large, does not represent the people and should be removed from office.

 Any politician who votes for and supports any law that strips Americans of their constitutional rights does not represent the American people and should also be removed from office.

 I’ve had the opportunity to live long enough to watch what has happened to the America I love, and the issues which we are supposed to support and embrace as a free people. I watched the changes happen during the sixties. People who slept in clean warm beds every night, who had immediate aid at their hand simply by dialing 911, to eat clean wholesome food on demand, and to be relatively free of unjust prosecution from an out of control government in their daily lives.  They protested against a war that was supposed to give a lifestyle to a largely agrarian people the same opportunity to enjoy the freedoms they were able to enjoy all of their lives, and by rioting and protesting the war, ultimately destroying any chance of those people having the opportunity to be free by their actions. 58,000 Americans died as a result, and for nothing.

 Those same people went on from those fun-loving and frolicking days to run the industries that drive our commerce. They went into the public education system and destroyed it with Marxism. They instituted the changes that have crippled our language.  They invented mass hysteria with their new religion labeled as Environmentalism.

 They worship prostrated at the altar of equality where no such thing exists in all of nature. Laws were enacted to make mandatory protections to be forced down the throats of a free society thereby removing more of their rights as a people. As if somehow by enacting such laws of equality a person physically incapable of walking would somehow rise from their wheelchairs and walk because someone wanted it to be so.

 We have destroyed the ability to think as a free people because so many of us think the government is somehow beholding to provide for us from birth to the grave. Our incentives have been eroded into a quasi-socialist illusion and our young have graduated from public schools and cannot spell, punctuate a letter or understand our own history and how we became what we are today.

 We have elected people who are ignorant to lead us as a society. Our destiny is clear as a result, America is sealing its own doom because those who work are beginning to understand they are working to support a segment of the population that won’t work any longer. We have become a population of slaves to a system that is determined to strip us all of our rights simply to make sure an owl has a place to build a nest or a fish has somehow suddenly had rights superior to the people.

 We have politicians who seem to believe that people who sneak into our country can live better than the average working man and woman simply because they are here and we are somehow beholding to take them on as their caretakers. They come here and steal from us, they kill us at random, they burn our flag, and in gratitude, they flip us the “Bird”. What I find absolutely amazing about this is, we as a people are allowing it to happen and we aren’t taking to the streets with pitchforks and torches.  When are we going to wake up?

Semper Fi

L Michael Rusin


Just for what it’s worth, the Democrats have destroyed themselves by enacting legislation that curtails the rights of the average American, time and again. They took your rights and gave them to fish and birds. They enacted laws that promoted perversions, anti-God specifics, and handed them on a silver platter to welfare parasites. They made hundreds, if not thousands, of attempts to belittle the might and accomplishments of America. They demeaned the white people of this country with absurd-isms, which have attempted to make all Caucasians appear to be war mongers, territorial thieves, and to try to make the people of a great nation believe, that while the white people were exploring and building America, they did it in an evil demonic way, simply to put others of a lesser class to the level of slaves. What poppycock!

America was populated by people who gave up their homelands to make an ocean crossing that was long, arduous, and dangerous, to come to a land where freedom was guaranteed. To have the opportunity to raise their children regardless of their color, creeds, or religions, in peace. They set out to build a country that was the envy of the rest of the world. Our education system, our medical institutions, and practitioners, were the best in the entire world. They built the roads, dams, and the infrastructure with their bare hands, and picks and shovels. They used wagons pulled by horses and mules to move the mountains of earth required to get these jobs done. We had a treasury that was the absolute richest the world had ever known. And, we’re supposed to be ashamed of who we are, and what we were able to accomplish?

Not me. I am proud of who I am and where I came from. If someone wants to illustrate to me where a huge portion of the American population today is better than the pioneers who built the greatest country on earth, show me or stuff it. What the American forefathers did is a matter of documented fact, and what the others are claiming is also a matter of attested to, and documented fact. America may be a land of immigrants, but it is a land where opportunity was available to anyone, as long as they were willing to work for it. Many did. I did as well. I’m sure most of you reading this made the opportunities available to yourselves and worked to get you to where you eventually arrived. None of us did it sucking the welfare teat or getting preferential treatment either. We made it happen because we worked for it.
Semper Fi

L Michael Rusin

Why I Became a Survivalist

Years ago, I decided there was a lot more I could do to be prepared for most eventualities in case of a crisis, or a disaster, that could stop most of what we all take for granted, to stop suddenly. I saw so many people actually killed because they had very little in reserves or simply nearly nothing to protect themselves with. Not in the US but elsewhere. The realization of what I could do for myself became apparent and I began not only Prepping in a serious manner but learning what to do and collecting the books I felt I was going to need. So the journey began for me.

Back in 1962, the prominent names that were swirling around were Kurt Saxon, Ragnar Benson, Michael Brown and of course, the late great Mel Tappan. Most of us were buying books from Desert Publications and a little later from Paladin Press. We wanted to learn everything we possibly could about what to put away, where to put it, how to protect it and most of all what to do if things unraveled and we were thrust into a world akin to “The Dark Ages.” That may make a few of you smile but there were many people saying something big was on the horizon. In the meantime, many of us got together and we talked about some of the scenarios we saw that could happen. I was still in the military at the time and was somewhat limited to what I could do and say. Survivalists back in those days were looked down on by the general population as “Kooks.”

Once the military was behind me there was a tendency to keep in touch with many of those people I once met with regularly when I was in the country. We camped out and we fished the rivers. Some of us hunted and all of us did a lot of shooting which led to reloading. I had an old Hollywood Press back then and loaded many thousands of rounds with it. There was a big group who were skydiver as I was and we jumped whenever we got the opportunity.

Back in those days, we were an exclusive bunch of people. Many of us were ex-military and a lot of us knew how to do things that weren’t socially acceptable to the rest of the population at large and we didn’t discuss those things with just anyone. Among us, there were no holds barred. However, when men and women go camping or get together as a group, we talked. Invariably, the conversations evolved into “what if situations” and where we all would go if something major happened. I owned 12 acres on a major river in Washington State and I mentioned I was developing it into a Retreat and that was where I would go. I had already planted caches along the way and had built a few structure on my property. In fact, many of my friends had camped on it but I never told any of them about what I was doing or intending on doing in case….

When I revealed this to a few close friends, they wanted in and we formed a partnership with very strict rules. A few years went by and I wound up flying in Africa a couple of times, South and Central America and then Alaska as a Bush Pilot when the North Slope opened up. My prepping plans were on hold for some time. IN fact, years before I was able to get back to my land and the group I was formed up with. Funds began running low and I took a job Crop Dusting down in the Deep South. I worked my rear-end off on that job. I made a lot of money too. One night when work sort of petered out for a little while, (I was waiting for the “Pinkies” to make their presence known to the growers. Those are the Boll Weevils that infest cotton. I was invited to a party so I went. At that party, I met some high rollers in the Rock and Roll business. They were Concert Producers and were both heavies into cocaine. Back then just about everyone was doing something so I didn’t pay that much attention.

They were introduced to me by a friend and they called me a few day later and asked me to go into partners with them on an upcoming Concert they were trying to put together but they were short of money. Would I be interested? I asked a lot of questions and then talked to a lawyer about what I was getting ready to do and he insisted on a written contract.

I agreed finally and was promised 10% of the net plus all of my initial investment if I would back them and my lawyer didn’t think it was a good idea but I did it anyway. But, with a signed contract. They said I would have my money the following Monday, this was on a Wednesday. There were a lot of sweet little groupies back then, I was single and 30 years old and I have to admit, I was sucked in because of that and a few other reasons. The concert went off with two major headliners of the time and the concert was sold out. I was counting my money in my mind. Greed does that to you. Monday came and went. Three weeks later I found out the partners went to Cancun and were living high on the hog and had no intention of paying me back. Our agreement also included a non-compete agreement so they couldn’t go into business against me once I was in charge of the company. My lawyer told me to either kiss the money goodbye or to get everyone together and see if we could do another concert and hopefully, I would make some of my money back. He also reminded me that he didn’t think it was a good idea.

I called everyone I knew and they called the rest of the people who worked putting on the shows and we had a party/meeting at my house. I told them all, I don’t know anything about doing a concert but with their help, we could all hopefully make some money if we worked together. I owned the company such as it was. Finally, after a couple of weeks trying to get it wired together, we did a show and it was a big sellout. I made all of my money back on that show and decided to do some more of them. I did this for a while but my strong interest was my group, Retreat and making it better for all of us if anything happened. I had a pocket full of money so I wanted to get back to the Retreat.

I won’t go into the details of why I left the business but I was frankly, tired of it and most of the people I was dealing with. I went back to Seattle and began to get very active with my Retreat and group. One day a fellow I knew semi-casually approached me and asked me to help him put together a Retreat. He wanted to purchase a thousand acres and build a Retreat on it. He was an heir to a sizeable fortune and after we agreed to the terms and what he would pay me we built a superb Retreat. The residences were Yurts and the people began farming the land, purchasing animals to work it and to provide sustenances for them all. They were very dedicated to this task and wanted to make it work.

When it was all done and working I left. That retreat is still going today and most of the members are still there. They build handmade musical instruments such as guitars and violins. Others make old-time harnesses for horses and buggy’s or wagons. They still farm and sell most of what they grow to various outlets. Some of the items they sell are honey, seeds, apples, hay and alfalfa, watermelons and a large variety of vegetables. More but I won’t list them all.

I was referred to some others and I built two more Retreats. Only the one survived and is still operating. Many of those original members have died but only a few of them left the Retreat permanently. All of their children were homeschooled. Two are Medical Doctors that Graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Washington and two are teachers. One became an Aeronautical Engineer and did work for the Boeing Company.

In between this and a few other things, I decided to try out some other adventures, so my wife and I sailed our sailboat (we weren’t married then) off over the horizon for several years before we came back to the world.

I eventually sold my land in Washington, my house, commercial building and my sailboat and moved south to follow the sun. As a serious survivalist back then and today as well, my timing was off in terms of something big happening to the world but I still expect something cataclysmic will happen. 56 years have come and gone but I still believe no matter who you are you should be prepared to weather the storm. If it never comes that’s great, but if it does come to pass, you’ll survive while almost everyone you know will die. I still am involved with a Retreat not far from where I live and I know where I’ll go if the SHTF!

L Michael Rusin

Copyright 2009, L. Michael Rusin   All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for non-commercial purposes in entirety, including this notice.